

GE Healthcare


SunTech is proud to partner with GE Healthcare. GE’s cardiology portfolio stretches across a suite of solutions that reflect a commitment to fighting cardiovascular disease. GE Healthcare has brought continued innovation to diagnostic cardiology s...


Gerhardt Schmidt


Focusing on the cycle ergometer market, Dr. Gerhard Schmidt has created multiple NIBP products utilizing SunTech’s Kadenz? OEM NIBP module which is exclusively designed to take auscultatory BP measurements on patients while exercising on cycle er




Higi is one of our health station kiosk partners that has created a sleekdesigned kiosk that provides vital signs in a consumer environment. They chose SunTech to provide NIBP because we have a technology that is designed to take reliable, accurate...


Honeywell HomMed


As a leader in telehealth and remote patient monitoring, HomMed is dedicated to improving the quality of patients’ lives and reducing the cost of healthcare by providing the industry’s most advanced and integrated solutions at home and beyond. Su...




Serving markets across the globe, Infinium trusts SunTech for their NIBP needs. SunTech and Infinium have partnered together multiple times as they designed in different Advantage OEM NIBP modules (2.0 and Mini) into several patient monitors.

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