



A company from Hungary, Innomed Medical researches, develops, manufactures and sells in the fields of cardiology, intensive therapy, defibrillator technology and digital radiology exporting to more than 100 countries worldwide. With a range of capa...




Instramed is a well respected Brazilian medical device manufacturer providing products to both the human and veterinary markets. SunTech has solutions for both and earned their business providing unique modules for multiple products serving the vet...


Thornhill Research


As a military and emergency transport supplier, Thornhill Research had very tough specifications to meet for NIBP so they came to SunTech. Their MOVES portable ICU is 50% smaller and 60% lighter than standard life support systems and has undergone ...


Ivy BioMedical


Manufacturing a broad line of patient monitors and proprietary ECG Trigger monitors, Ivy Biomedical designed SunTech’s versatile Advantage OEM module platform in monitors used in operating rooms, post-anesthesia care units, and neonatal and adult ...




As the world’s leading supplier of freestanding, automated, vital signs monitoring equipment, Lifeclinic supports individual health improvement and productivity while reducing healthcare costs. With the belief that blood pressure monitoring outsid...

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